Kõrgetasemelise kvaliteedi saavutamine kaasaegsete tehnoloogiate abil

Toimumisaeg 7.sept 2005
Toimumiskoht Tallinna Lastepolikliiniku saalis Ravi tn 27
Lektor dr J.Gutmann
Korraldaja Magnum Dental OÜ
Osavõtutasu 200.- osavõtjatele ESS sertifikaat
Lisainfo 6501 945, 6501 946, 7371647
Veebileht https://www.magnumdental.ee

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Kaaskorraldaja: Sirowa DAB Algus 14.00
Lektor Jämes Gutmann USA-st (vt CV) kestvus ligikaudu 5-6 tundi Endodontiliste materjalide evolutsioon ja kiire areng on järjepidevalt suurendanud ennetava ja järelravi võimalusi meie poolt teenindavatel patsientidel. Antud ettekanne fokuseerub erineva NiTi koonilisusega juurekanali roteeruvatele instrumentidele, crown-down instrumentaalse töötlemise tehnikale, preparatsionikihi eemaldamisele, kanali desinfektsioonile, juuretäidis materjalidele ja kanalite täitmise meetoditele, suurele hulgale erinevatele kliinilistele situatsioonidele koos kasutatavate täitematerjalide üldistava kokuvõttega Tõlge Eesti keelde: Taavo Seedre The Impact of Sophisticated Technology on the Delivery of Quality The evolution of technology and the development of new materials in endodontics have enhanced the provision of consistent and predictable care for the patients that we serve. This presentation will focus on the impact of variably tapered NiTi instruments, crown-down cleaning and shaping techniques, smear layer removal and canal disinfection, systematized obturation materials and techniques, and the management of a wide variety of here-to-fore challenging clinical situations with inductive reparative materials Highlighted in this presentation will be contemporary protocols for the safe application of NiTi rotary instrument, both hand and power driven; some comparative data on progressively tapered instruments vs. constant tapered instruments; current protocols for irrigation, removal of smear layer and canal disinfection; issues that impact on the determination of root canal working length; perspectives on root canal obturation, especially the use of newer resin materials; contemporary techniques for the revision (retreatment) of failing root canal procedures; choosing nonsurgical vs surgical endodontic intervention for tooth retention; the value to surgical endodontic treatment planning. The information presented is designed to assist the general dentist and specialist alike in the provision of quality endodontic care based on current clinical and biological thought that is documented in the dental literature and contemporary clinical practice. The data present will be supported by literature citations where possible and the pros and cons of specific treatment choices will be addressed. Management of Endodontic Complexities, Challenges and Complications Complications in the delivery of quality care are commonplace, however early recognition and strategic management can reduce both the stress and the time involved in achieving a reasonably successful outcome. Even with significant advances in today’s technology, many cases raise interesting and challenging problems for the clinician. This presentation will focus on a few of the more common and some of the not-so-common complexities that the clinician faces in the provision of quality endodontic procedures. Highlighted will be anatomical issues, applications of intracanal instruments, issues in obturation, prevention of deleterious problems, and complex case decision-making and management.

Viimati muutis: Andrus Riim 22.09.2005

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